Hello there!
Hi all! I'm in the midst of updating my site! Please bear with me. You can check out my work experiences over at https://www.linkedin.com/in/glen-hunter/
I worked at Unity!

Yes I worked at Unity! Aside from the awesome workplace. I helped the lovely Unity community integrate/trouble issues relating to Ads, IAP and analytics services. Helping serve solo devs to AAA studios - sometimes, in return, I got to peek at their code "with authorisation of course! 🙂 "
I have a First Class Degree!

First time experience with Unity/C# and since then I haven't looked back! Studied at University of Salford. I finished with a first class degree in Computer Video Games! Boom! #goodtimes #gamechanger
I also worked at Udacity!

I studied a VR nanodegree program at Udacity. Upon completion, I was invited to join as a mentor/reviewer, without hesitation, I accepted! For 2 years, I guided awesome Udacians through the VR nanodegree program!